Season of Giving: Thanksgiving Triumphs and Christmas Outreach in Greater Los Angeles

Fellow Comrades, Sons and Auxiliary,

As you gather throughout this joyous month of December with family and friends, we trust that you will treasure every moment. This time of the year is a wonderful time to seek ways to share with others remembering our blessings.

Post 283 has set aside several opportunities for us to gather and reflect on the past year and look with hope to a new year and new opportunities. I look forward to seeing many of you during this month and sharing the JOY of this wonderous time of the year.

Our post also participated in giving over 160 Thanksgiving baskets to families and individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area over the Thanksgiving Weekend. We served over 300 meals to the homeless, foster care youth, seniors and others who walked in. Our generosity was truly appreciated. We have an opportunity to assist again during the Christmas weekend with food, clothes and toys.

Please contact me if you are interest in donating in order to assist 300 - 400 families and individuals in the Greater Los Angeles community.

Blessed Holidays!

Rev. Dr. ST Williams, Jr., Post Chaplain

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